Sunday, January 27, 2019

Week 23- January 28-February 1

Where did the weekend go? Jay and I had a fun weekend filled with hiking and celebrating Mrs. Howard's daughter's 2nd birthday! We also tried our hand at some "Minute to Win It" games and found out those tasks are not as easy as they look! Ha! 
We have a fun week coming up in kinder. Friday. February 1st is Athletic Field Day! We are still in need of a few volunteers and snacks. Click HERE to sign up. Please see my previous post with all the details for Field Day. Our color is yellow!
Happy 6th Birthday Talia!

Happy Half Birthday Gage! 
 Here is a look at the coming week:

Spalding:  As Spalding increases in difficulty it is imperative that your child is doing homework every night with parental guidance, we appreciate your continued support! We will learn two new phonograms ph and ough (this is a fun one with 6 sounds!)
Spelling words will be: an, my r. 5 (the y may say i. ) 6. (English words don’t end in i so we use y) , up, last, not. 

Sight Words: We will continue to review list 1-4 before we introduce list 5 next month. 

Literature: We will continue our unit on Mr. Popper’s Penguins.  We have enjoyed meeting the Popper’s and Captain Cook.  The sweet giggles I hear as we are reading about the penguins and their crazy antics has been a highlight of my week. Our poem will be Go to Bed Tom and Are You Sleeping?

This week we will begin learning about number bonds. Number bonds are a visual way to explain the relationship between a number and the parts that combine to make it. For example, the number 7 can be broken down into parts made up of 6 and 1, 5 and 2, and 3 and 4. Throughout the week we will use number bond mats and manipulatives to tactilely explore number bonds for numbers up to 8. We will create life-size number bonds using hula hoops and students!

Science: This week we will be exploring all about insects! Students will learn the parts of an insect and what makes insects unique from other bugs. We will talk more in depth about bees and ants. Then, students will get to make their own insect using fun paper shapes and give it a name!

A penguin came to join us on our first day
of reading Mr. Popper's Penguins!

Great Hearts Day

Thursday, February 14th is Great Hearts Day! We have reserved this special day to focus on the virtue of friendship and celebrate the traits that make a great-hearted student. Teachers are planning interactive and fun activities centered around these topics, and time will be set aside for students to create hand-made Great Hearts Day cards for their classmates.  Archway Arete strives to cultivate a rich, academic environment rooted in the classical tradition. This many times requires popular culture to be left at the door. On that note, students will not be permitted to bring store-bought valentines, candy, or gifts to school. Thank you for partnering with us.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Week 22- January 21- January 25 (No School Monday)

Happy Sunday KB families! I hope you're enjoying the sunshine this weekend!
Happy Half BirthdayAliyah!

Happy 6th Birthday Diya!

Just a few reminders as we prepare for next week. 
 Friday 01/25 is the 100th day of school, your may wear a shirt depicting 100, see picture for example or refer to the prior email. Uniform bottoms and shoes must still be worn. 

Athletic Field Day is quickly approaching as well! Please check the previous blog post for our class symbol and ways to volunteer for this fun day. 

Here's a look at next week:
Spalding:  This week we will learn three new phonograms oa (cue: boat), oe (cue: toe) and gu. Students will have five spelling words: top, 
he r. 4 (e may say e at the end of a syllable) 
will r. 17 (we can double the l following a single vowel at the end of a one syllable word.) 
we  r. 4 (e may say e at the end of a syllable) 
Friday is our 100th day of school so we are challenging our students to write 100 phonograms and spelling words, wish us luck! 

Sight Words: This week we will review lists 1-4

Literature: We are so excited to begin reading our second Classic to Keep, “Mr. Popper’s Penguins.” We will be reading this story for the next three weeks. We will be reading the story to the class, so no books are needed. We ask that you please hold off on reading the book with your child at home until we are finished with the entire story so we can enjoy it as a class family. We will have Mary Had a Little Lamb for our weekly poem.

Math: This week we will continue to work on numbers 10-20 focusing on number order. Students will practice counting and writing in ascending order. We will work on finding the missing number in a sequence and identifying numbers that are more than others. For example, students will say “17 is one more than 16; 12 is two more than 10.” On Friday, we will be taking an assessment on place value (tens and ones) and numbers to 20.

History and Geography: We will review the names of the seven continents and spend this week learning all about the continent of Australia! We will learn about Australian words and animals, especially the kangaroo. Students will also learn about aboriginal art in Australia and they will create their own dot paintings.

The color on the outside doesn't matter,
it's what's on the inside that really counts. :)

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Athletic Field Day!

Athletic Field Day
Athletic Field Day is Friday, February 2nd from 8:30-11:00 for K-2 classes and from 12:00-2:30 for grades 3-5!  Each year classes are assigned a Greek City State for their team.  This year, your child’s team is Crete, and our team color is yellow. Your child may wear a plain yellow shirt (no logos) with any athletic bottom that's free of pop culture.  There will be no school lunch offered on Athletic Field Day.  Please send your child to school with a packed lunch.
This is our team symbol
Volunteers for Athletic Field Day
In order to have Athletic Field Day run smoothly, we need your help!  
Coach Gethings & Coach Warren need volunteers setting up and running the event.  
Please sign up at to help
with the events.  We need a few volunteers for class to help with donating a cooler
and snacks.  Please Sign up here to volunteer to help our class.  

Lunch: We will have lunch in our classroom at 11:00.  
There will be no school lunch.  Please have students bring a lunch from home.

Athletic Field Day Attire:
Please have your child wear a YELLOW color t-shirt that day.
 Students may decorate their shirts with their team name and/or symbol of their
Greek City State.   Students should wear athletic clothing free of pop culture references.
 Sports team and brand logos are acceptable on clothing.
 Athletic shoes are mandatory (any color).  Hats and sunglasses may be worn.  
Sunscreen must be applied at home.
 Please see pg. 52 in the family handbook for more detailed information.  

Sunday, January 13, 2019

We had a great first week back! It was so fun to see everyone's smiling faces. The 100th day of school is quickly approaching, look for a sign-up and a fun at home project coming out next week. 

Happy Half Birthday to Natalie!

Happy 6th Birthday to Giovanni!

Happy 6th Birthday to Jonathan!

Here's a look at this week:

Spalding: This coming week we will learn three new phonograms: ed, or, wh. We will learn 4 new spelling words that are very similar to each other, they will share the same beginning and ending consonant they are: ten, tan, ton, tin. We will also learn the word bed for five spelling words total. There will be no new rules to learn. 

Sight Words: We will continue to review list 4. 

Literature: This week we will read the fun story of The Bremen Town Musicians. We will identify the problem/solution, setting, and characters of the story. Our poem will be Jack Be Nimble.  We will be working on phonemic awareness with the poem by identifying rhyming words and acting our the poem. 

Math:Students will be able to understand place value using tens and ones.  Students will group ten objects together to make one group of ten, and any left overs are ones.  For example, the number 15 consists of one group of ten and five ones.

History: This week we will be learning about Martin Luther King Junior. Students will discuss what it means to be kind and fair to all. We will learn about the life of MLK and the positive things he did. We will learn all about words and acts of kindness and why they matter. Later in the week we will learn about another kind person in history; Mother Teresa. We will talk about how MLK and Mother Teresa are similar and different.

Fun with more and less!

Putting numbers in order. 

Rhyming Bingo!

All about Sharks!

Who has more? Goldfish game!

The chess guy came to recess!