Sunday, August 19, 2018

Week 3 - August 20- August 24

Happy Sunday Families! I hope your enjoying time with family this weekend. A couple quick things, a Scholastic Book order form went home in your child's green folder Friday. This is a great way to fill your child's library with affordable books. Please order online at using our class code: QDR6N
Next Wednesday 08/22 from 6:00-7:30 is our Curriculum Night. This is a great opportunity to get acquainted with what your child will be learning this year. We will do a demo Spalding and Math lesson so that you will have the right tools to support your child at home. I look forward to seeing you all there! 

Here's a look at what we'll be learning next week:

Spalding: This week we will start introducing our Spalding single letter phonograms.  We will introduce the clock letters  “a, c, d, f, g.” Note some of these phonograms have multiple sounds, refer to your child’s homework for the sounds of each . For help on how to pronounce and write phonograms please visit the following link (scroll down the page):

Sight Words: This year will be introducing five sight words each week. Once we have taught ten words we will send home a list to practice. Our goal is that students will have memorized 100 sight words by the end of the school year. Our words this week are: the, of, and, a, to

Literature: We will be reading The Three Little Pigs this week. We will sequence the events, talk about the fiction vs. non-fiction and even read a story from the point of view of the big bad wolf. Our poem for the week will be Star Light, Star Bright.

Math: This we will continue to classify objects by attribute and identify objects that do not belong to a particular set. Students will also match items by their function by saying when two objects are used together. There will be math homework Monday-Thursday, please check your child’s work for accuracy. 

Science and History: This week we will be learning all about Community Helpers. We will discuss who they are, how they contribute to our communities, and why they are important. Students will get to decorate their own police badge, label a fireman, and seal a picture in an envelope. We are looking forward to having a few of our very own parents come in to class and share about their careers as a community helper!

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